- JR Basic Calculator

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A simple and efficient calculator Chrome extension designed to streamline your daily calculations. With a clean and intuitive interface, JR Basic Calculator allows you to perform basic arithmetic operations effortlessly. Whether you're calculating percentages, square roots, or basic mathematical expressions, this extension is your go-to tool for quick and accurate results. Enhance your productivity with JR Basic Calculator today!


Install JR Basic Calculator now for free and simplify your mathematical tasks with ease!

How to Use JR Basic Calculator

  1. Enter numbers using the numeric keypad or click the number buttons on the calculator.
  2. Perform arithmetic operations by clicking the respective operator buttons (+, -, *, /).
  3. To clear the last entry, use the CE (Clear Entry) button.
  4. To clear all entries and start fresh, use the C (Clear All) button.
  5. For percentage calculations, enter the number followed by the % button.
  6. Calculate the square root of a number by entering the number and clicking the √ button.
  7. Press the = button to get the result of your calculations.

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Don't have the extension yet? Download the Chrome Extension Calculator now
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Also available on Microsoft Edge Browser

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